High End Workstation Performance - SPEC Viewperf 7.0

The latest version of SPEC Viewperf proves to be an excellent stress test for memory bandwidth and overall platform performance as you're about to see. The benchmarks included version 7 of the benchmark suite are:

3ds max (3dsmax-01)
Unigraphics (ugs-01)
Pro/Engineer (proe-01)
DesignReview (drv-08)
Data Explorer (dx-07)
Lightscape (light-05)

For more information on the tests run visit SPEC's page on the new Viewperf benchmark.

Media Encoding and Gaming Performance High End Workstation Performance (continued)
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  • Anonymous User - Sunday, July 6, 2003 - link

    I kept checking back after 24 hrs for the update. Glad you finally added it - just what I was looking for. But I did expect it by end of day Jul 2 (within 24 hrs of article post as you promised, which was Jul 1).
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 5, 2003 - link

    Goddamn it, why must all of the benchmark charts be in Flash format these days?? It is a supreme annoyance, especially since they are nothing but simple charts. A GIF can easily do it, with far less annoyance for those who don't have Flash and don't want it.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 5, 2003 - link

  • Zuni - Thursday, July 3, 2003 - link


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