Mid-Range System Summary

 Hardware  Component  Price
CPU & Cooling AMD Athlon 64 2800+ retail (heatsink and fan included) $186
Motherboard MSI K8N Neo Platinum (nForce3 250Gb) $131
Memory 2 X 256MB OCZ PC3500 EL (Enhanced Latency) $135
Video Card 128MB Sapphire Radeon 9600 Pro $126
Monitor Samsung 19" DynaFlat 955DF $200
Computer Case CaseEdge TS1 Mid Tower plus 360W PSU $74
Sound Card Onboard sound $0
Speakers Logitech Z640 5.1 $55
Networking Onboard 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet $0
Hard Drive Western Digital 800JB (80GB) $67
CD-RW Lite-On 52x32x52x16 Combo CD-RW/DVD-ROM $47
Bottom Line - $1021

$1021 is the final price of this week's mid-range system, not including any money that you'll spend on software (Windows XP Home or Professional, Office, etc.) or a keyboard and mouse.

When you look at how fast this system is for the money and the fact that you're getting 64-bit compatibility across the board, you can't help but enjoy how much hardware has progressed during the last 5 years. While pace and innovation in the hardware industry (and semiconductor industry, in general) have slowed down compared to 2000-2001, there is a rapid surge of good ideas and well thought out and executed plans that are finally rearing their heads in our homes. 64-bit computing and speeds that didn't seem possible just a few years ago are just some of those things.

Anyway, go build your system and let us know what you think in our comments section. And tell us what new stuff you'd like to see in our guides.

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  • gherald - Friday, June 18, 2004 - link

    Hmm, in the article you say:
    "Recommendation: Western Digital 800JB"

    but then in the summary:
    "Hard Drive Western Digital 800BB (80GB) $67"

    I assume you meant to put the JB model in the summary...

    Well I think a SATA drive would be a worthwhile upgrade. I don't understand the use of 2x256mb DIMMs on a single-channel platform... 1x512mb would make much more sense. And the case selection could use some work as per usual but otherwise this system looks perfect.

    Good job Mr. Lieb.
  • Nighteye2 - Friday, June 18, 2004 - link

    Why is there no mention of the possibility of using SATA RAID if you have a little extra money to spend on an extra HD? It would be a great recommendation for the load-time-conscious gamer.

    As to suggestions for future guides: how about guides for a Gamer System and an Office System, without specific budgets, aimed at getting a system that will 3 years after buying it still suffice for it's purpose at a good price\performance ratio?
  • mino - Friday, June 18, 2004 - link

    ehm, sory for some spelling mistakes, I wrote it in hurry. ;)
  • mino - Friday, June 18, 2004 - link

    Why the Hell have chosen 2*256MB memory instead of 1*512 when U are recommending Single channel CPU ???
    With 2 modules installed it it will be problematic to upgrade memmory in the future and 2 module provide no advantage here.

    Also for Storage I will go for at least 120G SATA drive, since price difference is negligible, but value much bigger. Also WD drives are the ones that nave BANN at me since it is not acceptable to end day with headache from their famous whine anymore.

    Last poit is that I see no reason to go for 3.0C, 2.8C will suffice and provide better OC if requested

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