Final Thoughts

Without a doubt, we will start seeing Shuttle's XP17 LCD in retail and online channels very soon. There are a lot of great things going for this little LCD: good response time, lightweight, small footprint and high quality construction.

Hopefully, in a future version of the monitor, Shuttle will modify their glass bezel slightly to incorporate better anti-reflective and anti-glare coatings. The XP17 tilts upwards at a slight angle, which also contributes to its issues with reflection. We did not have any reflection issues with the similar AG Neovo S-17 and S-18 monitors that we reviewed in the past.

A price point on the XP17 has not been released yet, but since it is targeted at high end XPC systems, it will probably come with a small premium. Other monitors may be able to rival the image quality of the XP17, but none can surpass its portability and unique design. After all, a monitor should be something that pleases your eye and not just a lump of metal, glass and plastic on the desk. As far as Shuttle's first attempt at a flat panel display goes, the XP17 fares very well. If Shuttle continues to expand on its FPD design and implementation, there is no doubt that they will become a larger competitor for sleek, small PC displays.

As for us, we will still take an 8-bit 25ms LCD over a 6-bit 16ms LCD any day. But if the low response time is absolutely critical, the Shuttle XP17 provides another 16ms option.

Subjective Analysis
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  • aw - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    How bout an XPC system review?
  • s2kpacifist - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    Anandtech should do a 12 to 16ms response time LCD shootout (and maybe give us the real color specs of the 710T, hehe).
  • goku21 - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    I know the apple monitors have a 16ms response time too, even up to the 30" sucker.
  • goku21 - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

  • microAmp - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    Broken link:

    Curious, what is the angle of the monitor since it looks like it is in a fixed angle?

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