Performance Tests

DirectX 9 Gaming

Since Fatal1ty is targeted at gaming, we ran a much larger group of current DirectX 9 benchmarks than we would normally run in a First Look. The goal was to compare the Abit Fatal1ty performance on the most current games to 925X and nForce4.

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The tweaks on the Fatal1ty board combined with the extra 2MB of L3 cache on the 3.46EE certainly allow the Abit to outperform the 925X with the faster 3.6GHz Prescott in most Direct X 9 games. The 1066FSB also contributes a very small amount to the increased performance as we found in the recent 925XE launch review. The Abit Fatal1ty is an outstanding performer compared to other Intel boards that we have tested. The improvement in Far Cry performance, in particular, is impressive.

However, all the outstanding tweaks and gaming enhancements just can't offset the gaming horsepower available with the FX55 and 4000+. In most DirectX 9 benchmarks at stock speed, the FX55 wipes the floor with the 3.46EE on the Fatal1ty.

Test Setup Performance Tests (Continued)
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  • topcat903 - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - link

    I agreed with post#4 totally.
  • GnomeCop - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - link

    I think I threw up in my mouth a little...
  • johnsonx - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    @10, Linkcat:

    at 1600x1200, all the platforms would most likely be GPU bound. 1024x768 is a better resolution to see which platform is faster.
  • phaxmohdem - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    What a tool. Who else wants to join me in kicking this dude in the ballz. I don't even know why I want to, but my foot feels compelled to inflict pain on this poor kid. Perhaps I should seek professional help.
  • Decoder - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    Its clear, AMD FX-55 performs a fatal1ty on Abit AA8XE + P4 3.46EE.

  • Linkcat - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    1024x768? is that the resolution harcore gamers run these days? It would be more useful if the comparison showed the performance differences at 1600x1200.
  • Gioron - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    I think the words "What in hell were they thinking?" sums up this board best. Great implementation, poor platform choice. Now is not the time to claim that an Intel board is the "best of the best" for gaming performance.
  • Adul - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    Guys adjust your reading glasses. This is a first look and not an in depth review.
  • drifter106 - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    Glad to see you make the effort to show the other side of the coin....
  • ariafrost - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - link

    w00t! Go ABIT! :P

    But... wait... I have an NF7-S Rev. 2 right now... where's the nForce 4 SLI based NF8-S ABIT!? :(

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