Memory Performance

Memory Bandwidth Comparison - Read Performance

Memory Bandwidth Comparison - Write Performance

Memory Bandwidth Comparison - Latency Performance

We recently switched to version 2.50 of Everest, so these scores are not comparable to previous tests with version 2.20. The memory latency test shows a slight advantage over the nForce4 boards, but the read and write performances of the ULi and ATI based solutions are impressive and accounts for their performance advantages in memory intensive applications.

Overclocking Performance

The overclocking performance graphs have been added to the standard benchmark test suite and should allow for a better comparison on the overclocking capabilities of tested boards. For more details on the specific overclocking abilities of this board, please refer to the Overclocking and Memory Stress Test section in the Basic Features section.

Overclocking - A64 4000+ - (San Diego)

Overclocking - A64 4000+ - (San Diego)

The EPoX EP-9U1697 GLi is a very competitive overclocking platform for a value based performance board. Hopefully, the BIOS that we tested and components on the board are the same as production level boards. Epox has assured us that this is the case.

General Performance & Encoding Gaming Performance
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  • Spoelie - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Another very small quirk: page 7 3rd graph shows latency - lower is better - but the boards are still ordered like higher is better..
  • Spoelie - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    hmm and apparantly all the audio utilization graphs as well :) And since we're still at it, since for storage performance differs only from southbridge to southbridge and not from board to board, it might ease up those graphs to just display one representative for each + the board in review.
  • Rock Hydra - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Er sorry, forgot to mention you said DDR2.
  • Googer - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Here is another just released review on this same motherboard:">,
  • Gary Key - Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - link

    Sorry about that, corrected. :)

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