MSI: SLI Plus Eight

by Gary Key on April 11, 2006 8:00 AM EST
SLI Performance

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

Gaming Performance - SLI

The performance of the MSI K8N Diamond Plus in our SLI gaming benchmarks is very competitive and at times class leading. The board displayed excellent stability throughout the benchmarking process and during actual game play. We noted the temperature of our 7900GTX cards were not above normal after extended testing or game play due in part to the two slot space in between the x16 slots. We provided CrossFire results as a high level comparison between the two platforms with the ATI solution providing strong results in games that typically favor their architecture and vice-versa for games that favor the NVIDIA architecture.

Graphics Performance - SLI

Graphics Performance - SLI

Graphics Performance - SLI

The performance pattern continues in the synthetic benchmarks with the MSI board providing very consistent performance figures compared to the other SLI offerings. It is interesting to note that based upon our graphic settings, the x8 SLI based Asus A8N is just as competitive as the x16 SLI based solutions. Basically, the performance of these Socket 939 boards is so close that your choice of manufacturer and core logic chipset should be based upon features, customer support, and overall product stability.

Gaming Performance Disk Controller Performance
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  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - link

    Just FYI, I've sent Gary a message to check the FEAR and COD2 CF numbers. They seem a bit low to me, but I haven't personally tested a CF system so I can't say for sure. Gary will most likely be on in a couple hours to comment, once he gets out of bed. Which is where I need to go now....

    Take care,
    Jarred Walton
    Hardware Editor
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - link

    It looks like the current FEAR and COD2 scores for Crossfire are correct, in that CF doesn't work fully right now. Unlike SLI where profiles can be manually force, CF mostly works or not. Just in case anyone was wondering. :)

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