Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/14758/hot-chips-31-live-blogs-cerebras-wafer-scale-deep-learning
Hot Chips 31 Live Blogs: Cerebras' 1.2 Trillion Transistor Deep Learning Processor
by Dr. Ian Cutress on August 19, 2019 9:45 PM EST
08:49PM EDT - Some of the big news of today is Cerebras announcing its wafer-scale 1.2 trillion transistor solution for deep learning. The talk today goes into detail about the technology.
08:51PM EDT - Wafer scale chip, over 46,225 mm2, 1.2 trillion transistors, 400k AI cores, fed by 18GB of on-chip SRAM
08:51PM EDT - TSMC 16nm
08:51PM EDT - 215mm x 215mm - 8.5 inches per side
08:51PM EDT - 56 times larger than the largest GPU today
08:52PM EDT - Built for Deep Learning
08:52PM EDT - DL training is hard (ed: this is an understatement)
08:52PM EDT - Peta-to-exa scale compute range
08:53PM EDT - The shape of the problem is difficult to scale
08:53PM EDT - Fine grain has a lot of parallelism
08:53PM EDT - Coarse grain is inherently serial
08:53PM EDT - Training is the process of applying small changes, serially
08:53PM EDT - Size and shape of the problem makes training NN really hard
08:53PM EDT - Today we have dense vector compute
08:54PM EDT - For Coarse Grained, require high speed interconnect to run mutliple instances. Still limited
08:54PM EDT - Scaling is limited and costly
08:54PM EDT - Specialized accelerators are the answer
08:55PM EDT - NN: what is the right architecture
08:55PM EDT - Need a core to be optimized for NN primitives
08:55PM EDT - Need a programmable NN core
08:55PM EDT - Needs to do sparse compute fast
08:55PM EDT - Needs fast local memory
08:55PM EDT - All of the cores should be connected with a fast interconnect
08:56PM EDT - Cerebras uses flexible cores. Flexible general ops for control processing
08:56PM EDT - Core should handle tensor operations very efficiency
08:56PM EDT - Forms the bulk fo the compute in any neural network
08:56PM EDT - Tensors as first class operands
08:57PM EDT - fmac native op
08:57PM EDT - NN naturally creates sparse networks
08:58PM EDT - The core has native sparse processing in the hardware with dataflow scheduling
08:58PM EDT - All the compute is triggered by the data
08:58PM EDT - Filters all the sparse zeros, and filters the work
08:58PM EDT - saves the power and energy, and get performance and acceleration by moving onto the next useful work
08:58PM EDT - Enabled because arch has fine-grained execution datapaths
08:58PM EDT - Many small cores with independent instructions
08:59PM EDT - Allows for very non-uniform work
08:59PM EDT - Next is memory
08:59PM EDT - Traditional memory architectures are not optimized for DL
08:59PM EDT - Traditional memory requires high data reuse for performane
09:00PM EDT - Normal matrix multiply has low end data reuse
09:00PM EDT - Translating Mat*Vec into Mat*Mat, but changes the training dynamics
09:00PM EDT - Cerebras has high-perf, fully distributed on-chip SRAM next to the cores
09:01PM EDT - Getting orders of magnitude higher bandwidth
09:01PM EDT - ML can be done the way it wants to be done
09:01PM EDT - High bandwidth, low latency interconnect
09:01PM EDT - fast and fully configurable fabric
09:01PM EDT - all hw based communication avoicd sw overhead
09:02PM EDT - 2D mesh topology
09:02PM EDT - higher utlization and efficiency than global topologies
09:02PM EDT - Need more than a single die
09:02PM EDT - Solition is a wafer scale
09:03PM EDT - Build Big chips
09:03PM EDT - Cluster scale perf on a single chip
09:03PM EDT - GB of fast memory (SRAM) 1 clock cycle from the core
09:03PM EDT - That's impossible with off-chip memory
09:03PM EDT - Full on-chip interconnect fabric
09:03PM EDT - Model parallel, linear performance scaling
09:04PM EDT - Map the entire neural network onto the chip at once
09:04PM EDT - One instance of NN, don't have to increase batch size to get cluster scale perf
09:04PM EDT - Vastly lower power and less space
09:04PM EDT - Can use TensorFlow and PyTorch
09:05PM EDT - Performs placing and routing to map neural network layers to fabric
09:05PM EDT - Entire wafer operates on the single neural network
09:05PM EDT - Challenges of wafer scale
09:05PM EDT - Need cross-die connectivity, yield, thermal expansion
09:06PM EDT - Scribe line separates the die. On top of the scribe line, create wires
09:07PM EDT - Extends 2D mesh fabric across all die
09:07PM EDT - Same connectivity between cores and between die
09:07PM EDT - More efficient than off-chip
09:07PM EDT - Full BW at the die level
09:08PM EDT - Redundancy helps yield
09:08PM EDT - Redundant cores and redundant fabric links
09:08PM EDT - Reconnect the fabric with links
09:08PM EDT - Drive yields high
09:09PM EDT - Transparent to software
09:09PM EDT - Thermal expansion
09:09PM EDT - Normal tech, too much mechanical stress via thermal expansion
09:09PM EDT - Custom connector developed
09:09PM EDT - Connector absorbs the variation in thermal expansion
09:10PM EDT - All components need to be held with precise alignment - custom packaging tools
09:10PM EDT - Power and Cooling
09:11PM EDT - Power planes don't work - isn't enough copper in the PCB to do it that way
09:11PM EDT - Heat density too high for direct air cooling
09:12PM EDT - Bring current perpendicular to the wafer. Water cooled perpendicular too
09:14PM EDT - Q&A Time
09:14PM EDT - Q and A
09:14PM EDT - Already in use? Yes
09:15PM EDT - Can you make a round chip? Square is more convenient
09:15PM EDT - Yield? Mature processes are quite good and uniform
09:16PM EDT - Does it cost less than a house? Everything is amortised across the wafer
09:17PM EDT - Regular processor for housekeeping? They can all do it
09:17PM EDT - Is it fully synchronous? No
09:20PM EDT - Clock rate? Not disclosed
09:20PM EDT - That's a wrap. Next is Habana