Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/3150
Proud to announce that Johan's second article on AnandTech is up - have a look at it if you haven't already. Part II should be equally interesting as I got Tim Sweeney to answer a few of Johan's questions about dual cores and games :)
I'm working on the Mac HTPC article right now, but I will chime in with my thoughts on Cell in the next day or two. So far I'm not totally impressed, but I think that's mostly because of a lack of information being published right now - what clock speed the SPEs run at is far from the most important part of the architecture.
I wish I had been at ISSCC as I'm now playing phone tag trying to get the answers to my questions with folks who are at ISSCC, which means they are basically unaccessible. So if any of my IBM/Rambus contacts are reading this - check your voicemail :)