Final Thoughts

Our first analysis of the LWX-30-AMS was slightly mixed. Although the monitor is loaded with terrific features and image quality, we could not get past the nagging fact that the image processor crippled what should have been an excellent image. Even though the panel natively supports 1280x768, we feel a little disappointed that nothing is mentioned concerning the exclusive 1024x768 XGA signal. Granted, if you never hook your LWX-30-AMS up to a PC, this will not affect you in the least bit.

Looking past the issues with aspect ratio, which will be fixed in future revisions of the monitor, our analysis of the LCD was fairly error free. We had a few minor glitches with the On Screen display and sound, but fortunately, none of these were entirely purchase deterrents. The only visual issue with the display was the somewhat washed out image on some of our subjective analysis. If the LWX-30-AMS is to compete with DLP and other LCDs, future revisions of the monitor may need to address this.

If this LCD is going to be your primary console and entertainment center, then it certainly becomes a very acceptable choice. Street price on the LWX-30-AMS runs around $2300 at time of publication. Although much higher than the cost of a larger DLP or Plasma screen, the image produced by the Albatron will surpass any technology of equivalent size.

In some ways, our Albatron LWX-30-AMS is a victory for low(er) cost LCD technology. Plasma displays (PDP) are only stepping stones to real flat panel technologies, such as LCD and OLED, and their price is the only advantage over LCD technology right now. Once we start seeing more LCD products in the 30" and 36" range, it will only be a matter of time before PDP fades away.

Benchmark Analysis
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  • Koing - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 - link

    LCD's look alright for 30"range but I am not a fan of LCD's for tv usage.

    Plasma's look MUCH better to my eyes for tv usage.

    The screen only running 1024x768 is pretty useless imo. Wasting all of that native screen resolution. Someone at the design should be shot! But good to get more lcd's on the market to drive the price down.

    Hey any reason why pc lcd's are not as bright or they don't have to be?

    I know my 12" Sony laptop lcd is bright enough at max for me. Same with my 23" monitor is very bright at max.

  • Shalmanese - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 - link

    Samsung Australia has a 0 dead pixel policy for their LCD's about 21" IIRC. I dont know about Samsung US.
  • pcpimp - Monday, March 8, 2004 - link

    I am saving my pennies for a LCOS or DLP tv. Never liked lcds and never owned one. They still cant solve the dead pixel problem, which I find unacceptable.
  • Shalmanese - Monday, March 8, 2004 - link

    cant you use powerstrip or something to force a 1280x1024 image?

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