Final Words

In almost every test of our review, we discovered the Fuji FinePix A330 to offer the best performance of the group. In terms of speed, it has a fast startup time and very little shutter lag. Although the Shot to Shot w/Flash times are rather slow, without the flash, it is able to shoot the fastest of the bunch without filling its buffer. It proved to have the highest overall resolution and longest battery life.

In comparison, both the Kodak CX7330 and Olympus D-540 were slow in starting up. Although the Kodak camera can nearly keep up with the Fuji A330 from Shot to Shot, it starts to drag after 3 consecutive frames. In addition, although the Kodak and Olympus cameras have the advantage of a continuous drive mode, the benefits are questionable considering the long buffer clearing times. The Kodak CX7330 has a couple of advantages over the other cameras. For example, its Auto WB setting is actually pretty accurate. Also, the CX7330 is the only camera from this group that can record audio with its video clips.

The Olympus camera is absolutely horrendous in basically all the timing tests. The fact that it takes over 9 seconds between shots without the flash is obscene. When the flash is used, waiting 17 seconds between shots is also unacceptable. We were also disappointed with its shutter lag (with auto-focus) performance. When the camera is pre-focused, the lag isn't too bad. However, when auto-focusing is added to the equation, the camera really takes a while locking focus and shooting. There are some good things about the D-540. The movie mode is unlimited and allows use of the optical zoom, white balance, and exposure compensation. Also, the D-540 can take macro pictures as close as 0.8 in. from the lens.

The most important aspect of a digital camera review is obviously image quality. We were surprised to find that despite the differences in our other tests, all three cameras were able to produce pretty good looking pictures. All three cameras consistently took pictures that were well-exposed and well-saturated. The differences between the cameras are subtle, but important. For example, upon close inspection, we discovered that both the Kodak CX7330 and the Olympus D-540 used high levels of in-camera sharpening. This results in the appearance of jaggies along fine lines. In the case of the Kodak camera, we also found very visible JPEG artifacts - evidence of over-compression. Even at the highest quality setting, the Kodak CX7330 over-compresses its images in an attempt to lower the file sizes. In contrast to both the jaggy and over-compression issues, we found the Fuji A330 to produce smooth and detailed images.

Overall, we chose the Fuji FinePix A330 over the Kodak and Olympus cameras because of a combination of its speed and image quality performances. Our second choice would probably be the Kodak CX7330 because, despite its JPEG artifacts and jaggies, the camera is much faster than the Olympus. The image quality of these entry-level digicams is getting very impressive. For only $150, it is now possible to buy a digital camera and easily make beautiful 8x10 prints from the images.

 Fuji FinePix A330
 Pros  Cons
Fast startup time
Bright and colorful daylight pictures
High resolution
Very little shutter lag
Smooth, but detailed, images
Outstanding battery life
Slow Shot to Shot w/Flash time
No continuous drive
Limited video clip duration
Mediocre auto WB in tungsten light

 Kodak EasyShare CX7330
 Pros  Cons
Fast shot to shot w/flash time
Accurate Auto WB in tungsten light
Video clips are unlimited and w/sound
Decent battery life
Slow startup time
Below-average resolution
Relatively slow lag time (w/auto-focus)
Jaggies (over-sharpening)
JPEG artifacts from high compression

 Olympus D-540
 Pros  Cons
Superb Super Macro mode
Decent resolution
Video clips have unlimited duration
Video mode allows use of optical zoom
Decent battery life
Very slow startup time
Very slow shot to shot w/flash time
Poor Auto WB in tungsten light
Very slow lag time (w/auto-focus)
Jaggies (over-sharpening)
No TV-out

Thanks again to for loaning us the Kodak EasyShare CX7330.

General Image Quality
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  • akaristos2 - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 - link

    Any sources in Europe where it could be had for 129 euros? Much appreciated a reply. Thanks
  • akaristos2 - Tuesday, February 8, 2005 - link

    Where can I gt a Ricoh Caplio RX and at what price point. Thanks for a reply.
  • cryptonomicon - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 - link

    the a340 will probably enter the price point soon too, i got it for $161 at ritz's / wolf's.
  • tmim16 - Monday, January 3, 2005 - link

    I got the Fuji A330 for my wife back in May for her birthday not knowing that much about it, but man were we impressed! I got it as a mother's day newegg special for $180 including a 128MB xd card.

    Even though I'm not in the market for another camera, I would have liked to see a couple more compared.
  • orenb - Monday, January 3, 2005 - link

    Zepper, the Ricoh Caplio RX can be had for €129 in Europe, which is not that far off $150.

    As for not having it in the US, well, that's a bummer. Having to settle for plastic toys that take almost a whole second to actually shoot sucks, especially when one has to pay roughly the same price as the RX.

    Both Ricoh and American residents are losing big time from this, the former loses a huge market, the latter loses some really cool and innovative cameras, but since Ricoh can't handle the demand in Europe (at least in the UK and Germany they can't), I bet they have a good reason to wait with a US launch.
  • unclebud - Monday, January 3, 2005 - link

    "Nice article... would have been nice to see it BEFORE the holidays though ;) "
    what i was thinking (although i have 6 or 7 digicams and ain't gone buy another one for more than a hundred)
  • Zepper - Monday, January 3, 2005 - link

    Almost no Ricoh product is available in the USA as Ricoh has chosen not to compete here in the consumer market (perhaps you weren't aware that AT was an American web site). I guess it's not too hard to get their copiers here though.
    . Not to mention that the price of the few Caplio RXs I've found such as on eBay is about twice that of the units under test - apples and oranges...
  • spug1 - Sunday, January 2, 2005 - link

    ...geez everyone!! Get off their back. It would be an impossible job to do all of the cameras at this price point! Kodak, fuji and olympus are big names, which people will often go to straight its allowing the customer to make an educated choice on popular brands. I sell a large range of cameras at my shop, and I most always recomend the a330. Its a beautiful little camera, and IMO the best bang 4 buck at this price!!
  • Souka - Sunday, January 2, 2005 - link

    Title should be "Three $150 digi-cams compared"

  • Z80 - Saturday, January 1, 2005 - link

    I'm on my third Fuji digital camera and they have all been great performers! They all still work too! The latest model I purchased last year just before Christmas was the FinePix S5000 with 10x optical zoom. I've found that the xD-Picture Card memory helps lengthen battery life to where I can shoot well over 100 photos without recharging the batteries. Also, the Fuji cameras all appear to have better jpeg compression that other cameras because my photo files at 3.1 or 4.2 Megapixel take less space than other cameras. When my family got together and compared photos after our Christmas party last weekend, my Fuji consistently took better photos than the other cameras. Even the Canon Digital Rebel that my nephew didn't really know how to use.

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