Temperature Tests

Temperature (F)

Temperature (C)

Average Room Temperature



Average Case Temperature (Internal)



Average Hard Drive Temperature



Peak Temperature Recorded



Temperature readings have a +/- 1-degree tolerance.

This is the second hard drive that we have reviewed using the new temperature testing method. The Quantum drive tested slightly higher than the Maxtor unit, in both the average and peak temperature readings. Although the Quantum drive ran a bit warmer, it still falls well within its specified operating limits.

Although we currently only have temperature data on two drives, the results obtained from both seem to be within the reasonable limits that one would expect a hard drive to operate within, and well within the manufacturers safe operating limits. We do intend to include this test in all of our upcoming reviews, so eventually we will have more data to help make meaningful comparisons. Once we have data from a few more drives, we will present the information in a graphical form. Until then, we will just present each drives results within its respective review.

Windows 2000 Disk Transfer Tests Another look at the Disk Transfer Tests
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