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Once again we start off with the GeForce 2's first incarnation of FSAA in Direct3D: click the images to download the original (uncompressed) files



Medium Setting (2x2)

The medium setting is probably one of the most balanced settings in terms of performance/image quality, and there also seems to be very little difference between this setting and the highest setting although there still is

Highest Setting (4x4)

For comparison, we have the Voodoo5 5500 with FSAA enabled in Direct3D: click the images to download the original (uncompressed) files


Notice the Spoiler on the 996 GT2, the "jaggies" really ruin the look.

2 Sample FSAA

Notice how most of the "jaggies" are gone but some still remain

4 Sample FSAA

Now they've almost completely vanished

FSAA Image Quality - Need for Speed 5 Performance
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