
We already knew that the GeForce2 MX was a value at $119, but if you can manage to overclock the memory to around 200MHz it becomes a much more powerful solution and definitely something you'll want in your system.

We've spent the past few months drooling over new motherboards that set us back at least $150, 1GHz Pentium IIIs and Athlons that we all wanted but couldn't really justify spending $1,000 on as well as $300 video cards that made the frames fly but the credit cards heavy with debt.

Recently that has been changing, the "value" market as most AnandTech readers see it has been becoming even more attractive. At first with the 566MHz Celerons that would overclock to 850MHz and beyond and now with the Duron that offers an Athlon level of performance at a little over $100. We can safely add NVIDIA's GeForce2 MX to that list.

If manufacturers deliver these boards at $119 and we can get some decent SDRAM on them we may have much more than a Hot Deal on our hands.

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