Galaxy S III Developer Edition

Samsung is pleased to announce the Galaxy S III Developer Edition for Verizon Wireless. The Developer Edition will be sold only through This special edition device features a user-unlockable bootloader.


Who is this for?

  • Samsung and Verizon Wireless recognize that there are many enthusiasts and professional developers that are interested in customizing their device with third-party ROM software.  Unlocking the bootloader can put the stability of the phone in jeopardy; therefore, only experienced developers should attempt to unlock the bootloader.

What about the other carriers?

  • Other versions of the Galaxy S III are sold with a user-unlockable bootloader as a standard feature. Those models are available directly from the respective carriers.

Where can I buy the Galaxy S III Developer Edition?

  • The Developer Edition will be sold online directly from Samsung. When the device is available for purchase, it will be sold through the Samsung developer portal at

Why is Verizon Wireless’ version locked?

  • Depending on the device, an open boot loader could prevent Verizon Wireless from providing the same level of customer experience and support because it would allow users to change the phone or otherwise modify the software and, potentially, negatively impact how the phone connects with the network. The addition of unapproved software could also negatively impact the wireless experience for other customers.  Unlocking the device also voids the warranty.   

Has Samsung always unlocked the bootloader on its phones?

  • While not all previous Samsung Android devices have had an easily unlockable bootloader, all of our other current Galaxy S III flagship lineup, and all Nexus-branded devices, support the standard bootloader unlocking procedure.

What happens if I load custom software and damage (“brick”) my phone?

  • Problems caused by your unlocking the bootloader and installing custom software will not be covered by the warranty. Problems with third-party and customized bootloader software can cause irreparable harm to the Galaxy S III. Users interested in performing these actions should proceed with caution and at their own risk. Out of warranty Galaxy S III Developer Edition devices will be serviced directly through Samsung, and service charges will apply.
Unlocked SGS3
Comments Locked


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  • ExodusC - Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - link

    I am absolutely floored they would try to pull this.

    Verizon is the only carrier in the world who decided to lock the bootloader on the Galaxy S3. Then, Samsung is selling a "Developer Edition" that Verizon is willing to activate on their network, despite claims that these devices -supposedly- cause people to "abuse their network"?

    This is completely ridiculous, and I hope this fails like the RAZR Developer Edition, or even better, I hope it allows developers to find a bootloader unlock method for the rest of us.

    Absolutely disgusting.
  • OCedHrt - Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - link

    It's not just that. Verizon doesn't want to support phones with custom ROMs, for example. This puts the support on Samsung's shoulders.
  • ExodusC - Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - link

    While I am glad Samsung is at least trying to do SOMETHING about the situation, I honestly would have preferred they did what Apple would have done, and said "Sorry, if you want to mess with our phone, you get no phone at all."

    Unfortunately even Google had issues trying to do that with the Galaxy Nexus (supposedly- what with Google Wallet and all).

    Still, this blows my mind. I hope developers find a solid workaround to this nonsense.
  • Zoomer - Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - link

    Hopefully more people will switch to purchasing phones from phone makers, and buying connectivity from service providers. Shell or Exxon doesn't sell cars that run on their gas, why should providers sell phones than run on their pipes?
  • greylica - Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - link

    + 1 , best comment of the day !
  • prophet001 - Thursday, July 12, 2012 - link

    ^ protip comment
  • robinthakur - Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - link

    Yer, it works that way in the rest of the world really, so I don't know why not in America. Having said that, the SGS3 is no way worth $600. I've never purchased anything so expensive which felt so cheap and the back of the phone feels like a strong wind could snap it in two. More practically, the Home button feels really flimsy considering how often you have to push it and I think this is a major weak point in the design. After a week of ownership I was especially alarmed that there is now a big blob of dust under the camera lens. Coming from Apple devices, it seems pretty inconceivable that the lens wouldn't be sealed tbh, so I've made the decision to sell it and recoup my $600 and then wait it out for the iPhone 5.
  • phatboye - Wednesday, July 11, 2012 - link

    Let's place blame where blame is due, Verizon, not Samsung. Sure Samsung is a soulless/spineless blob but they are doing what any company would do to push their product to the consumer. At least they give you the option of purchasing the unlocked version of the phone if one chooses to go that route.

    If you want to be angry at anyone direct your frustrations solely at Verizon who is requiring Samsung to lock down the SGSIII. Send them an angry letter how you are sick of Verizon's crap and threaten to leave if they do not change their ways.
  • mevans336 - Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - link

    Does anyone see the link to buy one via the link in the article? I can't seem to find it.
  • Brian Klug - Tuesday, July 10, 2012 - link

    It isn't live yet, but will be from the Samsung developers portal page:


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