
Intel has divested its entire stake in Arm Holdings during the second quarter, raising approximately $147 million. Alongside this, Intel sold its stake in cybersecurity firm ZeroFox and reduced its holdings in Astera Labs, all as part of a broader effort to manage costs and recover cash amid significant financial challenges. The sale of Intel's 1.18 million shares in Arm Holdings, as reported in a recent SEC filing, comes at a time when the company is struggling with substantial financial losses. Despite the $147 million generated from the sale, Intel reported a $120 million net loss on its equity investments for the quarter, which is a part of a larger $1.6 billion loss that Intel faced during this period. In addition to selling its stake in...

Intel Settles With NVIDIA: More Money, Fewer Problems, No x86

NVIDIA and Intel just released their respective PR announcements a bit ago, but after much rumor mongering it’s official: Intel and NVIDIA are the latest duo to bury the...

30 by Ryan Smith on 1/10/2011

NVIDIA's Project Denver: NV Designed, High Performance ARM Core: Updated!

NVIDIA's CEO, Jen-Hsun Huang just announced Project Denver - its first CPU architecture design ever, based on ARM's ISA. This is a custom design done by NVIDIA in conjunction...

49 by Brian Klug on 1/5/2011

TI Reveals OMAP4440 Specs: Dual 1.5GHz Cortex A9, 25% Faster GPU, HDMI 1.4 3D, 1080p60

Next year is looking to be a very important year for smartphone and tablet performance. Just as we saw widespread migration to the ARM Cortex A8 and Qualcomm Scorpion...

39 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 12/8/2010

ARM Aims at Intel, Cortex A15 Headed for Smartphones, Notebooks and Servers

Last month TI announced it was the first to license ARM’s next-generation Eagle core. Today, ARM is announcing the official name of that core: it’s the ARM Cortex A15. Architectural...

36 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/9/2010

Going Out of Order: Samsung Announces Orion Cortex A9 SoC

Last night LG announced that it would be using NVIDIA's Tegra 2 in its Optimus Series smartphones starting in Q4 2010. The most exciting part of Tegra 2 is...

14 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/7/2010

TI First to License ARM's Next-Generation Eagle Core

In our smartphone and tablet reviews we make sure to spend a good amount of time talking about the silicon powering these devices. There’s no reason that handset and...

22 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/9/2010

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