Qualcomm this morning is taking the wraps off of a new smartphone SoC for the mid-range market, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3. The second of Qualcomm’s down-market ‘S’ tier Snapdragon 7 parts, the 7s series is functionally the entry-level tier for the Snapdragon 7 family – and really, most Qualcomm-powered handsets in North America. With three tiers of Snapdragon 7 chips, the 7s can easily be lost in the noise that comes with more powerful chips. But the latest iteration of the 7s is a bit more interesting than usual, as rather than reusing an existing die, Qualcomm has seemingly minted a whole new die for this part. As a result, the company has upgraded the 7s family to use Arm’s current Armv9 CPU cores...

Intel’s Silvermont Architecture Revealed: Getting Serious About Mobile

The most frustrating part about covering Intel’s journey into mobile over the past five years is just how long it’s taken to get here. The CPU cores used in...

174 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/6/2013

Some Haswell TDPs Revealed: 15W & 28W Ultrabooks

Tonight Intel gave its (high-end) processor graphics a new name: Iris. Along with the new brand disclosure, Intel did let a few details slip about Haswell TDPs. High-end desktop parts...

30 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/2/2013

Intel Iris & Iris Pro Graphics: Haswell GT3/GT3e Gets a Brand

We’ve known for a while that Intel’s Haswell processor would continue to drive GPU performance in a significant way. With Haswell, Intel will offer a higher end graphics configuration...

104 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 5/1/2013

Intel's Return to DRAM: Haswell GT3e to Integrate 128MB eDRAM?

We've known for a while now that Intel will integrate some form of DRAM on-package for the absolute highest end GPU configurations of its upcoming Haswell SoC. Memory bandwidth...

83 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/23/2013

The King is Back: Raja Koduri Leaves Apple, Returns to AMD

I remember back when AMD’s CTO of the Graphics Product Group, Raja Koduri, first quietly left the company for Apple. This was hot on the heels of Apple’s hiring...

72 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/19/2013

Intel Details Haswell Overclocking at IDF Beijing

As we march towards the June 2nd release of Intel's Haswell processors, the company is slowly but surely filling in the missing blanks. Most recently we saw a shot...

36 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/12/2013

Haswell GT3e Pictured, Coming to Desktops (R-SKU) & Notebooks

One of the worst kept secrets is Haswell will have four different GPU configurations: GT1, GT2, GT3 and GT3e. As with Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge, higher numbers mean...

64 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/10/2013

Intel Confirms Falcon Ridge Production in 2013, Ramp in 2014

Yesterday Intel announced its updated Redwood Ridge Thunderbolt controllers (adding 4K/DP1.2 support, lower power operation and slightly lower BOM cost) as well as next year's Falcon Ridge family of...

31 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/9/2013

New Thunderbolt Controllers (DSL4510/4410) and Future 20Gbps Falcon Ridge TB Controller Announced

Last year we hinted that another Thunderbolt revision would happen this year, with a speed bump in 2014. It turns out that's exactly what's being announced at NAB this...

44 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 4/8/2013

HandBrake to Get QuickSync Support

The latest version of Intel's Media SDK open sourced a key component of the QuickSync pipeline that would allow the open source community to begin to integrate QuickSync into...

32 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/27/2013

Intel's PixelSync & InstantAccess: Two New DirectX Extensions for Haswell

As Intel continues its march towards performance relevancy in the graphics space with Haswell, it should come as no surprise that we're hearing more GPU related announcements from the...

9 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/27/2013

Inside AnandTech 2013: Power Consumption

Two of the previous three posts I've made about our upgraded server infrastructure have focused on performance. In the second post I talked about the performance (and reliability) benefits...

10 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/18/2013

Inside AnandTech 2013: CPU Performance

Last week I kicked off a short series on the hardware behind our current network infrastructure. In the first post I presented a high level overview of the hardware...

21 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/15/2013

Inside AnandTech 2013: The Hardware

By the end of 2010 we realized two things. First, the server infrastructure that powered AnandTech was getting very old and we were seeing an increase in component failures...

17 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/12/2013

AMD Enlists Ben Heck to Build Rocket Launching Desktop PC

In preparation for its presence at SXSW Interactive, AMD enlisted the help of famed modder Benjamin Heckendorn to build a bunch of unique PCs. Traditionally, AMD would just show...

29 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 3/5/2013

Westmere-EP to Sandy Bridge-EP: The Scientist Potential Upgrade

Earlier this year I wrote a review of a dual processor Sandy Bridge-EP system from the point of view of the non-CS trained coder in a research group, and...

44 by Ian Cutress on 3/4/2013

The AnandTech Podcast: Episode 16

It's the calm before the storm. The coming weeks are full of big announcements from smartphones to PC components, leaving us to talk about everything we can before the...

30 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/17/2013

The AnandTech Podcast: Episode 15

We're back after CES and have a little bit of post-show wrap-up. We kick off this week's podcast with a discussion of Intel's near term challenges in the industry...

32 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 1/28/2013

AMD Q4’12 and FY 2012 Earnings: Closing Out a Rough Year, Looking Towards the Next

Continuing the spate of earnings announcements this week we have both AMD’s Q4’12 and fiscal year 2012 earnings. The 4th quarter presents something of a culmination of several events...

34 by Ryan Smith on 1/23/2013

Dragging Core2Duo into 2013: Time for an Upgrade?

As any ‘family source of computer information’ will testify, every so often a family member will want an upgrade. Over the final few months of 2012, I did...

136 by Ian Cutress on 1/15/2013

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