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  • Bullwinkle-J-Moose - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    Waiting for your review of the Pilot-E

    Expecting less than 3500 MB/s peak

    Expecting Peak for less than a few seconds

    Expecting Max average to be less than 1/2 of the listed 3500MB/s speed

    Can't wait for the throttling specs

  • djayjp - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    It won't load any apps faster.
  • cyberguyz - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    Looks like something that just might push samsung 960 Pro off the top of the pile. I would like tro see some samsung vs mushkin head-to-head loving.
  • shabby - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    No drive has even caught up to the evo let alone the pro, especially at qd1, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  • Flunk - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    With a Silicon Motion controller? I have my doubts.

    As for toe to toe, Mushkin is an integrator, they buy NAND, and controllers and then slap them on a board, quite often based on the controller maker's reference design. They really don't have the resources to go up against Samsung, who builds their own NAND and controllers.
  • CrazyElf - Thursday, January 24, 2019 - link

    The HP EX 920 with the same Silicon Motion SM 2262 controller did exactly that.
  • lazarpandar - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    I don't care if it's half that speed I just want 2tb nvme... not gonna pay 1k for a 960 pro either.
  • Alistair - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    I'm in the same boat. I want a 2tb drive, not Samsung, but as fast as Samsung. (Samsung doesn't provide warranty coverage).

    Nice to see a lot of possibilities from CES. Hope to see a lot of new models on the market soon.
  • Dragonstongue - Thursday, January 11, 2018 - link

    I know there is limited space on mobo for this "style" of SSD, but, am sure if they took the time they could have a small heatsink with heatpipes on it something along the line of (ssd is ___ attach heatpipes to it which are leading to the small "mem sink" denoted by ##)
    as long as the SSD is not overly thick, it should not compromise usage in near any case/motherboard, and at least would be functional, keep it from throttling so it allows heat generated to more easily shed to surrounding airflow, unlike pretty much every "heatshield" or whatever you want to call them that really do nothing more than offer a cleaner look and some protection at the cost of pretty much everyone of them actually being a culprit of a guarantee to throttle from heat...

    They have a LONG distance usable in like 90% of case/motherboards where the flash slot is on the motherboard, it is the thickness (usually) that can be the problem, the motherboard makers and the SSD makers need communicate better, as although this "style" is the new thing, they are anything but low cost and at least IMO they are putting them in the most akward locations.

    Cool to the maker they get to save cost of the normal 2.5/1.8mm "shell" that older SSD use (which I prefer) but is not always a win for anything but raw performance for the end user, pay big $ for something that will likely throttle performance away, instead ot maybe slowing it down so is 99% unlikely to throttle or something ^.^
  • Fujikoma - Saturday, January 13, 2018 - link

    I was hoping for an MLC option. Flash drives are fine for TLC, but not for a boot drive.

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