At Computex 2014, Zotac has launched four new passively-cooled mini-PCs. All of these C-series units are sized the same as Zotac's existing ZBOX nano lineup (127 mm x 127 mm x 45 mm). Compared to the U-series CPUs used in the current crop of NUC-type mini-PCs, Zotac has gone in for the Core-Y series members in their flagship models. The Core-Y series have a 11.5W TDP (and a 6W SDP), which make them ideal for passively cooled designs. The ZBOX C-series lineup also includes a Celeron N2930 model as well as an AMD A6-1450 APU model (which integrates an AMD Radeon HD 8250). As usual with Zotac, the PLUS series members come with 4GB of DDR3L memory as well as a 2.5" 64GB SSD.

The details of the four different C-series members are provided in the picture below.

The galleries below show us the chassis design and available I/O for the Intel-based C-series models and the AMD-based C-series model respectively.


Pricing for the four models has also been announced (barebones/PLUS format, in USD):

  • CI540: $369.99/479.99
  • CI520: $309.99/409.99
  • CI320: $149.99/259.99
  • CA320: 179.99/289.99
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  • javier_machuk - Monday, June 2, 2014 - link

    did they mention anything about availability? I'm very interested on that ci320 to use as a HTPC..
  • creed3020 - Monday, June 2, 2014 - link

    +1 with that idea. It looks like an excellent contender for an HTPC build.
  • ganeshts - Monday, June 2, 2014 - link

    Availability in US is slated for August, a bit far off :(
  • LauRoman - Monday, June 2, 2014 - link

    Man. Intel's naming scheme is starting to be similar to the mess AMD used to have... a quad Celeron for example. By name it seems to be two generations ago, but is actually last year, and is a quad for pete's sake.
  • extide - Monday, June 2, 2014 - link

    Yeah, I wish it was easier to tell the difference between Core based and Atom based Celerons and Pentiums.
  • charliem76 - Wednesday, June 4, 2014 - link

    Not that it really matters for what these machines will likely be used for, but I can't imagine there wasn't room for a second DIMM slot. It just seems silly to me to handcuff these machines like that. That aside, I'm happy someone is going the silent route in a small form factor using some of the better processors at a reasonable price point.

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