Enterprise SSDs

At FMS 2024, Phison devoted significant booth space to their enterprise / datacenter SSD and PCIe retimer solutions, in addition to their consumer products. As a controller / silicon vendor, Phison had historically been working with drive partners to bring their solutions to the market. On the enterprise side, their tie-up with Seagate for the X1 series (and the subsequent Nytro-branded enterprise SSDs) is quite well-known. Seagate supplied the requirements list and had a say in the final firmware before qualifying the drives themselves for their datacenter customers. Such qualification involves a significant resource investment that is possible only by large companies (ruling out most of the tier-two consumer SSD vendors). Phison had demonstrated the Gen 5 X2 platform at last year's FMS as a...

Micron M500DC (480GB & 800GB) Review

While the client SSD space has become rather uninteresting lately, the same cannot be said of the enterprise segment. The types of workloads in the enterprise world can require...

37 by Kristian Vättö on 4/22/2014

Mushkin Launch ProSpec SSDs for Enterprise: SF-2582

All aboard the press release train and up next is Mushkin, launching their new range of ProSpec Enterprise SSDs based on the SandForce SF-2582 controller. Available in capacities...

5 by Ian Cutress on 1/6/2014

OCZ Releases Intrepid 3000: First In-House Enterprise SSD

The last few weeks have been tough for OCZ. The company filed for bankruptcy and a week later OCZ announced that Toshiba will be acquiring their assets. While there...

22 by Kristian Vättö on 12/12/2013

The Impact of Disruptive Technologies on the Professional Storage Market

Over the past couple of decades, the server market has evolved from closed, proprietary, and most importantly extremely expensive mainframe and proprietary RISC servers into today's highly competitive x86...

60 by Johan De Gelas on 8/5/2013

OCZ Announces ZD-XL PCIe SQL Accelerator SSD Solution

About a year and a half ago OCZ announced the acquisition of Sanrad, an enterprise storage solutions company with experience in flash caching. Today we see some of the...

26 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 7/23/2013

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